Who Talks the Talk?

Hi! Howdy! Hiya! Yo! Wasssuuuupppppp?

Alright, enough with the introduction. My name is Marlina, and I am the "talker" behind Software Talks. In all actuality, I'm a business owner who makes a living writing articles online. I spend all day every day on the computer, and I have learned a lot about it over the years. I used to be a complete dum-dum in the world of technology, but I grew really familiar with it when I started relying on it for an income. Now, I'm a regular whiz kid in the World Wide Web.

What can you learn around here? Anything you want! I try to blog about interesting programs I've discovered or things that I have done to make my computer safer and more efficient. I guess you could consider this an all-around tech blog, full of whatever I want to put in it during the week. Read a post or two, and you'll soon see what I mean.

What other people are saying about Software Talks:

"Great posts! I can't wait to read what you have to say every week!!!" – Austin G.
"Why did you want so long to start a blog like this? It's pure genius I tell you. You're pretty funny too. I avoid milk at all times when I read this bog, just so I don't squirt snot out of my nose! Thank you for that. " – Derek J.
"Ima total noob in technologie, but u have helped me get better on da computer. Thanx! :D" – Joanna M.
"Oh Marlina. How do you do it? I don't know, but keep doing whatever it is!" – Farris Jo P.